A Walk Across Buckhead

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Everything has changed. Why not make the most of it? The Virus-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named has altered daily life drastically. This past Friday (or just “the day” as we now call it) was the beginning of our Governor’s order to stay home for two weeks. It has since been expanded another two weeks, until April 30. The order generously exempts the following “essential” activities:

  • Leaving home to buy food and alcohol
  • The purchase and sale of firearms and ammunition
  • Engaging in outdoor exercise, so long as a minimum distance of six feet from others is maintained

I was well supplied, so I chose exercise from my menu of options. It was 72 degrees and sunny, the dogwood and cherry trees AND the azaleas were in full bloom at the same time, so I decided to take a walk across Buckhead to see what everyone was up to. I ended up walking over 8 miles and got some great images along the way:

This walk made me realize that despite years of commiserating on the “lack of walkability” that Buckhead offers, the biggest thing lacking was my own effort. For those willing to lace up and set out on foot, Buckhead can easily be enjoyed from a different perspective than through a windshield. It left me wanting more. Maybe I will walk all of Buckhead’s 44 neighborhoods before this virus releases us back into our normal rhythm.

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