Park(ing) Day 2021 Pop-up Festival at Lenox Square

Our friends at Livable Buckhead sponsored the Park(ing) day event in the Lenox Square Mall parking lot on October first. This is the sixth year Livable Buckhead has hosted the event. Park(ing) day is a world-wide event in which organizers convert parking spaces into temporary “green” spaces. Participants and sponsors use their individual parking space lots to promote products, create art, and advocate for ecological causes.

Booths this year included test rides for electric bikes and scooters with SPIN, fantastic homemade tomato soup from &Cheese, recycling sneakers with Eco Sneakers, and even a mini petting zoo. Food trucks were in attendance as well, and the neighborhood lunch crowd seemed to be taking full advantage.

It’s nice to see events like this in the community again. If the crowded mall parking lot and busy festival is any indication, Buckhead is more than ready to get out and about this fall!

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