Please bring all offers. This is a lot of record & is reflected as such in the city records. Listing agent has confirmed this w/ the city. Survey includes tree count & topo. Zoning is R-4. New house will need to be approximate maximum of 24 feet wide. Topo is conducive for a basement with front facing drive under garage. Buyer may wish to include 1st right of refusal for property located at 25 Honour Cir.
The spirit of Buckhead heads forward. This is the way it has been, and perhaps this is the way it will always be. The spirit of Buckhead points forward. You see it in the way we work, and you see it in the way we play. The reach is always extending further. The search is for excellence and beauty and grace and vibrancy.
We are a community of individuals. We are diverse, we are dynamic, and we are discerning. We are builders. We are connected to one another with a common bond. A common dream. A common quest. Pointing life in one direction. Forward.
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